Felon Friendly Housing In New Jersey

Finding felon-friendly housing in New Jersey can be challenging, particularly for those who have been formerly incarcerated. Discrimination, limited affordable housing options, and strict restrictions imposed by landlords hinder their efforts to reintegrate into society. But persistence and honesty are the key. It is crucial to be upfront about your background during the application process and demonstrate your commitment to a fresh start. 

With the help of this post, you will understand the strategies, challenges, rights, and protections under the law. With all these, finding a house would be less difficult.

Strategies For Finding Felon-Friendly Housing In New Jersey

felon friendly housing in New Jersey

When it comes to finding housing as a formerly incarcerated individual in New Jersey, it can be a tasking journey. However, there are strategies you can employ to increase your chances of finding felon-friendly housing. Here are a few tips to get you started:


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Small-time Landlords

Start with landlords that have a few properties rather than large apartment complexes owned by property management groups. Often these landlords will be more open to renting to someone with a felony. You can find these listings on websites like Craigslist, Zillow, and Realtor. 

Apartment Management Companies

Some of these companies may still rent to you despite having a felony. It’s suggested to try older properties or those in less desirable parts of town as they may not run background checks.

Reentry program

This program and organization can help felons obtain assistance and guidance in finding housing options, job search and resume preparation, treatment and, court support and advocacy, social service and healthcare enrollment, and drug and alcohol counseling. The reentry program in New Jersey also operates under the Presbyterian Church Elizabeth. And let’s remember the collaboration with public housing authorities and community development agencies, who understand the importance of inclusive housing for all.

Online Housing Platforms

The internet is part of a major support when it comes to searching for an apartment. Online housing platforms and resources, such as websites and forums specifically tailored to individuals with criminal records, can provide a starting point for your search.  Be diligent in your research and explore these digital avenues to expand your housing possibilities.

The stigma surrounding individuals with criminal records can make it feel like you’re walking around with a scarlet letter. Many landlords and property management companies have policies that automatically exclude anyone with a criminal record, regardless of whether they’ve turned over a new leaf or not. And as if that wasn’t enough, affordable housing options are scarce in the first place. And the search for a felon-friendly place is even more challenging. Landlords and property management companies also have the power to impose additional restrictions on individuals with criminal records. It’s like trying to navigate a maze with a blindfold on.

New Jersey Fair Housing Act

Fortunately, New Jersey has the Fair Housing Act, which prohibits housing discrimination against individuals with criminal records. So, if you encounter any landlords or property management companies who believe in playing judge and jury, you have some legal ammunition to fight back. Additionally, New Jersey also offers options for expungement and record-sealing, which can help clear your criminal record and improve your chances of finding felon-friendly apartments. And don’t worry, we’ll also cover other legal protections and resources available to individuals seeking housing with a criminal record.

Organizations Supporting Felon-Friendly Apartments in New Jersey

It’s time to highlight the beacons of hope in the quest for friendly cribs. The New Jersey Reentry Corporation is an organization committed to providing housing assistance to formerly incarcerated individuals. They believe in second chances and are here to help you find a place you can call home. On top of that, there are numerous local nonprofit organizations and charities tirelessly working towards creating housing opportunities for individuals with criminal records.

So, if you’ve been feeling like finding a felon-friendly crib in New Jersey is as likely as winning the lottery, fear not. With legal protections, supportive organizations, and a sprinkle of determination, you can find a place where you can start anew. Don’t let that criminal record define you.

Safe And Affordable Places To Live In New Jersey

The truth is NJ isn’t that affordable. But there are still some cities you might find OK according to your income. New Jersey is best for people working in NY but don’t wanna spend much on rent. When renting as a felon, the neighborhood you choose matters much. You’ll want to rent in a hood that’s close to your job, school, mall, etc.


While searching for felon-friendly apartments in New Jersey can be hard to achieve, there are encouraging signs of progress and support. By utilizing reentry programs, working with housing specialists, and online resources felons can increase their chances of finding stable housing that supports their successful reintegration. By changing perceptions, engaging employers, and fostering community acceptance, we can create a brighter future for those who deserve a second chance. Let us embrace empathy and compassion as we build a society that values the rehabilitation and reintegration of all its members.

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