
How Long Does A Background Check Take For An Apartment?

Apartment Background Check – Timelines ( How long does it take?)

When you’re applying for a new apartment, the anticipation of waiting for the results of a background check can be

Michigan housing for felons

Michigan Housing For Felons

Suitable housing plays a crucial role in the successful reentry and rehabilitation of individuals with criminal records.

can a felon lose parental rights?

Can A Felon Lose Parental Rights?

Yes, a felon can lose parental rights depending on the circumstances and crime committed. It varies by state laws and th

second chance apartments in Kansas

Finding Second Chance Apartments For Felons In Kansas

Kansas is a beautiful state known for its natural scenery and great landmarks. The Wheat State has rich agriculture and

Buying A House As A Felon

It is difficult for most people to own a home, especially getting a house of choice. You’ve got to worry about fin

Renting To Felons In California

Renting To Felons In California

Renting to felons in California presents a complex and often challenging landscape for both landlords and individuals wi


Our mission is to simplify the experience of connecting people & properties. Also, to help felons that have nowhere to live, after completing their sentence. Helping them get an accommodation through HUD, also getting a better job, in order for them to live a better life once again.


We are the best team when it comes to job and housing advisors, employment agencies and other available job opportunities. We also address complex issues and successfully leverage our resources to provide essential programming and services. With support from our best team , we can continue to support existing programs, and create new services in response to emerging needs with attention to both the quantity and quality of the assistance we provide.


The main vision of this website is to make sure that we provide maximum guidance and advice to anyone willing to go on with life and furthering more in the future. Also, another main aim here is to make sure we become the known and best leading housing and employment information website.