Wisconsin is a midwest state with a mixture of urban, forest, and farm. It is the 25th largest state by land mass and the 20th most populous. Wisconsin makes a good place for a fresh start and a hideout. But homes for felons in Wisconsin can be hard if you’re not an owner.
For felons in Wisconsin, the limited pool of housing options is further reduced by discrimination from landlords and housing providers. However, there are resources available to ex-offenders in Wisconsin seeking housing.
Homes For Felons In Wisconsin
Research shows that individuals with criminal records face significant discrimination in the housing market. A study by the National Housing Law Project found that 73% of landlords in Wisconsin would reject an applicant with a criminal record, even if the applicant met all other qualifications. This creates a cycle of housing insecurity and recidivism, making it difficult for ex-offenders to reintegrate into society after serving their sentences. We’ll talk about the challenges and how to over it all. Here are a few cities to consider staying for a fresh start.
- Appleton: A city north of Lake Winnebago. Housing here for rentals is not high with an average of $1200 per annum. Appleton offers a welcoming hand with job opportunities for all including felons.
- La Crosse: This is a city on the Mississippi River, in western Wisconsin. Home to Wisconsin University where you can school and go between jobs. The city offers affordable housing, fine diners, and lots of places for recreational activities.
- Green Bay: A sub-basin of Lake Michigan. Green Bay is a place with low crime and an ideal home for ex-offenders looking to leave their past behind.
- Milwaukee: Home to the Harley-Davidson Museum which also displays Elvis Presley’s motorcycles. Milwaukee flows employment opportunities with a few industries like breweries and other beverages.
- Other cool cities in Wisconsin include De Pere, Wisconsin Bell, Wausau, and Eau Claire.
Wisconsin rental ranges from $1200 to $2095 for a bedroom or two, from $3095 and above for 3 bedrooms.
Challenges Of Housing For Felons In Wisconsin
Felons in Wisconsin face significant challenges in securing affordable and safe housing due to their criminal records.
Affordable Housing For Felons
Wisconsin has a shortage of affordable housing, making it difficult for anyone with a criminal record to find housing. Especially for those without good-paying jobs. Felons face challenges due to their limited employment opportunities and low income.
The Impact Of Criminal Records On Housing Eligibility
Most landlords require background checks on prospective tenants, and individuals with criminal records are often denied housing as a result. Additionally, some government-subsidized housing units have restrictions on renting to individuals with criminal records, exacerbating the problem of limited housing options for felons.
The Legal Framework For Housing Discrimination In Wisconsin
The Fair Housing Act protects individuals from discrimination in housing based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, and disability. Criminal records are not included in the list of protected classes. Landlords in Wisconsin are legally allowed to discriminate against individuals with criminal records unless the discrimination is based on a protected class.
Certain legal restrictions may also impact a felon’s ability to secure housing in Wisconsin. For example, individuals who are subject to parole or probation may be required to obtain approval from their parole officer before moving into a new residence. Additionally, individuals who are required to register as sex offenders may have additional restrictions placed on their housing options.
Programs And Organizations Providing Transitional Housing for Ex-Offenders
Several nonprofit organizations and government-sponsored programs in Wisconsin provide transitional housing to ex-offenders, helping them to successfully reintegrate into society.
Nonprofit Transitional Housing Programs for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
Organizations such as Project Return, Madison-Area Urban Ministry, and the Joseph Project offer transitional housing to ex-offenders and additional support such as job training, counseling, and social services.
Halfway Houses For Felons In Wisconsin
Halfway houses are another type of transitional housing program that can be helpful for felons. These facilities provide a structured living environment and access to support services such as job training and counseling. Halfway houses often have strict rules and regulations that residents must follow, making them a good option for individuals who need extra structure and accountability as they work to rebuild their lives.
Government-Sponsored Reentry Housing Programs
The Wisconsin Department of Corrections offers a variety of housing assistance programs for ex-offenders, including work-release programs, prison-based housing units, and subsidized housing vouchers. These programs provide a stable housing environment for individuals in re-entry, improving their chances of long-term success.
Government-Sponsored Housing Assistance for Felons in Wisconsin
When it comes to finding housing as a felon in Wisconsin, there are government-sponsored programs that can help. Two primary options are Section 8 Housing Vouchers and Public Housing.
Section 8 Housing Vouchers For Felons
Section 8 Vouchers are a federally funded program that provides rental assistance to low-income families, including those with criminal backgrounds. However, some conditions must be met to qualify. For example, applicants cannot have been convicted of producing methamphetamine or be registered as a sex offender.
Public Housing Options For Ex-Offenders
Public Housing is another option available to those with criminal backgrounds. General housing complexes are owned by local housing authorities and offer affordable housing to low-income families, including felons. However, similar to Section 8, certain crimes may disqualify applicants from being considered.
Other Ways Of Getting Housing As An Ex-offenders
- Co-rent with a family trusted member or friend
- Rent in friends/family name
- Avoid apartments managed by cooperations
- Approach the landlord directly
- Pay upfront to the landlord
- Get good credit
- Get trusted folks to voucher for you
The Importance Of Support Services For Felons In Securing Housing
For felons, securing housing can be a significant challenge. After serving time, they are confronted with social stigmas and barriers that prevent them from finding safe, affordable housing. Fortunately, Wisconsin offers a range of support services and resources to help felons secure housing. These include job training, education, employment opportunities, substance abuse and mental health treatment, and other support services that can help them overcome the difficulties they face.
Job Training, Education, And Employment Opportunities For Felons
For felons looking to secure housing, finding a job can be crucial. Many employers, however, are hesitant to hire felons. Fortunately, Wisconsin provides a range of job training and employment opportunities for felons, including apprenticeships, vocational training, and other programs that can help them acquire the skills and experience they need to find employment. Additionally, the state has some programs that can help them obtain their GED or other educational credentials, which can improve their job prospects.
Substance Abuse And Mental Health Treatment For Felons In Wisconsin
Felons often struggle with addiction and mental health issues, which can make it difficult for them to find and maintain housing. Wisconsin offers a range of support services and treatment programs designed to help felons address these issues. These include substance abuse treatment, mental health counseling, and other programs that can help felons get back on their feet and find stable housing.
Advocacy For Ex-Offender Housing Rights In Wisconsin
Advocates for ex-offender housing often work to challenge negative stereotypes about felons, highlighting that housing stability is essential for successful reentry.
Advocacy efforts in Wisconsin aim to expand access to housing opportunities for ex-offenders by partnering with local organizations and policymakers to create more inclusive housing policies. Some initiatives include providing education and resources to landlords and property managers about fair housing practices and advocating for policies that provide housing options for those with criminal backgrounds.
Potential policy changes that could expand housing access for felons include reforming laws that restrict access to affordable housing and working to eliminate discrimination against folks with criminal backgrounds during the housing application process.
Continued advocacy and education on ex-offender housing rights are key to ensuring that formerly incarcerated individuals have access to the stable living situations necessary for successful reentry and rehabilitation. By advocating for inclusive policies and challenging negative stereotypes, we can work towards a future where everyone has access to safe and stable housing, regardless of their felony background.
In conclusion, access to safe and affordable housing is crucial to successful re-entry for formerly incarcerated individuals. There are significant challenges for felons in Wisconsin seeking housing, there are also resources and advocates working to expand access to housing opportunities.

I’m Cli, also known as Castro. An author of felhus.com
I’ve got great passion for felons and wanna see them live absolutely normal again.