High-Paying Jobs For Felons

High-paying jobs for felons are something any ambitious person looking to set up their lives would surely be interested in. People leave prison and find out their options become a bit limited and challenging. Some will be looking to make up for a lost time, others will be interested in securing themselves to take care of their bills. So, what are the high-paying jobs for felons? Follow me through to find out.

High-Paying Jobs For Ex-Felons

High-paying jobs for felons

Life after being released from prison can be a difficult period for many. They have to start the transition to adjust back to interacting with society. As people say, bills never go away.

It can be a difficult and overwhelming period looking for a job. This is why it is good and advisable for you to know which type of job pays the most, especially when the options immediately presented to you may pay little because most employers may have a mistrust for hiring a felon. 

You should search out as high-paying a job as you can get because you may have people depending on you, and you can not afford to disappoint them. 

So, you will need a job that affords you the chance to provide and cover your bills. You should search for high-paying blue-collar jobs, as well as some modern remote options available which you can do in your spare time to earn more money. There is a long list that I will do my best to outline.

Why You Need To Get A High Paying

Though this goes without saying, you need to research and look for the options available in the state you reside. I say this because some felony charges may not allow you the freedom of moving or leaving the state or country for a while.

This might make you feel that you need to settle for the readily available options. The thing is, while working that job keeps you busy, it may not be sustainable in the long run. It is when we have removed the constraint of money, or the lack of it, we then can begin enjoying what we do. 

So, it is best to look for opportunities that put a lot of money in your pockets and still provide you with a long-term career opportunity and improve your skillset  

List Of High-Paying Jobs For Felons

  1. Offshore Driller

A field where a felon can earn on the high side is off-shore drilling. While oil drillers make a decent wage, they also are required to spend around 3 weeks to a month on an oil rig. This is then followed by a break period.

If you are ready to put in a lot of physical labor, this job is for you, and they do not mind hiring felons.

You can earn up to $50,000 a year and this is just the beginning. Longevity in the company comes with promotions and benefits. 

Some courses exist that, on completion, can qualify you for higher positions. 

You should keep in mind that this line of work is physically tasking and requires a lot of physical strength and endurance. 

  1. Electrician

Though this job requires specialized knowledge in the field. It is also a good profession, with its average pay being approximately $55,000 a year. Demand for electricians is high and essential. While you may start with lower pay, there is an expectation of an increment of at least 14% each year.

You can choose to work indoors or outdoors. The tasks include maintaining, repairing, or installing electrical systems for homes or commercial use. 

Depending on the company you work for, your tasks could also include working on streetlights, traffic lights, and other electronic types of equipment. Sometimes their job is to ensure the wiring of buildings complies with fire safety to prevent hazards.

You can imagine how important this job is, so you should be very alert, observant, and prepared for any and everything. Any mistake on your part can cause death, injuries, and fire.

You also have the option of working independently, if you are so motivated to control your finances in that way. Make sure you follow due process and pass all the required checks and procedures, so you can run your business above board.

  1. Construction Jobs

Construction is a broad field that is an excellent source of employment. Construction jobs vary. They include an insulation installer, welder, plumber, drywall installer, and electrician. While you need training for jobs like being an electrician, you can begin working in construction with little or no experience at all, though this depends on the exact role or duty you have.

If you plan to make as much money as possible, it would be advisable you find and relocate to areas with warmer or fairer temperatures because construction work tends to slow down in winter periods due to the strain the weather can cause.

  1. Telemarketer

Telemarketing companies are another welcoming profession, as people constantly apply and leave. They are always looking for persuasive people with sales skills as there are always products to sell. You should research places that are primed for this market or type of job. Phoenix is a good example.

  1. Carpenter

High-paying jobs for felons

Some may have picked up this skill in one of the workshops or programs run in prison. It is a useful and resourceful skill that is in high demand, as people are always looking to make tables, chairs, cupboards, etc. The average pay for a carpenter is approximately $46,000 a year, but if you are very good at your craft, you can attach a price you feel is worth your skill. 

If you are very skilled and dedicated, you are going to be highly successful. With each work you do, there is a very high probability that it will serve as an advertisement for new customers looking for an artisan with your level of skillset.

Another advantage is that you can work all year long. The weather or seasons do not hamper or slow down the demand for this line of work. The skillset is also broad; it depends on the type of product you choose to produce more of.

Make sure you obtain all the requirements for operating in the state you reside, all procedures, licenses, and requirements needed, so you can focus on going about your business.

  1. Become a Freelance Writer

If you lack the zeal or strength for strenuous work or manual labor, you could consider a job as a writer. With the boom of technology, the world is now a global village. From your home, you could work for or with anyone in any country. 

Sites like www.fiverr.com and www.upwork.com are some sites you could get this type of work, though there are a lot of platforms that offer the same service.

  1. Military

Felons may think that life as a soldier may be impossible because of their record. In reality, the military is willing and open to enlisting anyone, though some conditions have to be met.

Unlike most other organizations, the military is open to hiring felons case-to-case. They consider various factors when the military looks to hire felons and your felony may not affect the chances of you getting a job if you qualify for the other factors.

If you are open and honest about your record, it’s a plus for you because the military values trust and honesty, as they tend to be signs of those with great values and morals.

The types of felons or offenders that are not allowed in the military though are

  • Those convicted of assault with a deadly weapon
  • Kidnappers
  • Sexual offenders
  • Credit card fraudsters

Before a felon can join the military, they would be required a waiver, and being incarcerated for any of those crimes results in the automatic cancellation of your waiver.

  1. Start a Blog

High-paying jobs for felons

While this is a way to make a lot of money, it takes a long time before this can pick up. If you have something that earns you money though and you are patient/knowledgeable about how it works, your chances of success are greatly increased. 

You could find a niche and provide information for that. It could be you sharing your experience and giving tips to others who may be going through that same problem. 

You should take the proper time to research the ways blogs are run and the different ways you could make money off it, so you are better positioned to maximize it.

  1. Translator

This is a great opportunity for those who are bilingual or polyglots, especially if you speak English. The internet is filled with translation sites in need of your services.

  1. Welding

This is an easily learned skill since it deals with mending or putting together pieces of metal. With focus and a little time you can have this skill in your skillset. 

The pay varies. As a beginner, you can earn around $25,000 a year, and if you specialize in a field that is in high demand, you could be making as much as $60,000 a year or more. This would involve large-scale projects and jobs like bridges, buildings, etc.

There is also the opportunity for working in specialized sites like offshore, which pays well.

Another benefit is most organizations train you for the job as well, so you’re better prepared to deliver your service.

  1. Salesperson

We live in a consumer-driven world. There is never a shortage of products, hence there will always be a company looking for people with highly persuasive abilities and personalities to help them move their products and get customers to buy. 

This is a profession that is always looking for driven and persuasive individuals that can help get products off the shelf, and all you have to do is talk. 

There are so many options and places these professionals are needed; in small markets, showrooms, boutiques, etc. If you present yourself well and exhibit the needed skill, they are willing to give you a shot and hire you.

  1. Heating Ventilation And Air Condition (HVAC) Technician

These technicians make a decent amount of money each year. Because of the need for heating and AC in commercial complexes, residential buildings, schools, hospitals, etc. 

These technicians are in high demand, so felons are welcomed in this industry to increase their workforce. They make an average of about $47,000 a year, though this depends on your experience.

As you can guess based on the job title; they repair or replace the ventilation system, repair or change heating solutions, and handle the maintenance of air conditioning. 

Your access may be limited if your felony was for a sex crime or assault, but you can still make decent money doing this.

  1. Website Developer

This is a great job that allows you to work from your home. You would need to learn the skill, but the payout makes this worth it in this digitalized age. You can easily do a google search and you will get results of sites and platforms offering a course to learn this in-demand skill.

  1. Entrepreneur

One of the oldest skills known to man is demand and supply. This is a skill innately in man because we have mastered the art of either meeting our needs or having someone help meet them.

If you’re creative and self-driven enough, you can venture down this road. All you need to do is pick a field you enjoy, learn the rules of the field, make your connections, provide service and advertise, then repeat.

Since you are your boss, you don’t have to worry about your incarceration. Just patience, hard work, financial management, and networking. 

You can also check the strategies of those that have come before you in that same market, so you can learn what to do and not to do. Draw up a business plan, get financing, and execute. (For more on how to get funding or a grant for your business, check our previous post)

Since you are just starting, you should look for the cheapest ways to start. The goal is to make money and in the long run, make a profit. So, as much as you can, find ways to cut down costs when you can.

Keep your goal and target simple, so you have a clear aim and vision that drives you. It is easy to get confused or distracted in a business, so having a simple goal improves your objective and focus. You can then scale up when you have made a name.

  1. Truck Driver

The internet has provided a need for delivery men, as customers can purchase whatever they want with just a click of a button.

With the number of products and companies that create them, there will always be a need for a middleman to bring the product to its final destination. That’s what makes this job highly accessible.

It might be physically tasking as the drivers could travel inter and intrastate to deliver the products, but it is also in high demand. The standard pay for this job is around $43,000 annually. 

Due to the stressful nature of the job, drivers are not allowed to drive more than a certain amount of hours, though you get paid overtime if you go extra time. 

This job can be out of your reach if you were convicted of Driving Under the Influence (DUI), or any other driving-related offenses. Other than that, you get your license and truck and are ready.

  1. Freelancing

This is another benefit of the internet. It has connected millions of people from different parts of the world with just a click. 

Many sites are looking for people to serve the ever-growing customer base. You can be a freelancer across various fields on various platforms or sites, and earn substantial money. All you need is the required skill for that field, a computer, and a good internet connection.

A list of some popular jobs you can find as a freelancer:

  • Writers
  • Customer service agent
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Graphic designer
  • Music composers
  • SEO expert
  • Web developer
  • Video editor or creator

The better you are at your job, the higher your chances of getting higher pay and more clients. It is advisable you first start small, and build a clientele, the same as you would a business. Once you have the trust of people and a portfolio, you can then get more clientele.

Work From Home Jobs

  1. Delivery Work

This is another option open to you. It’s simple and less complicated to do. Just get the product from point A to B.

You could work for fast food, restaurants, pizza houses, etc. Though the pay may not be on the high side, you can get tips from customers, and get paid for the extra time you put in.

Lower-Paying Jobs

You could also get jobs working as janitors, cleaners, and cooks. These kinds of jobs are constantly looking for staff to fill up the positions, and they do not bother to run a background check. Though the pay may be on the low side, in some companies you have the opportunity for promotion if you prove to be capable and dedicated.


High-paying jobs for felons

It is glaring how much of an impact incarceration has on the lives of people, even after they have been released. You should think your life through, set goals, and strive toward them. One will be focused not repeating the same cycle that got him/her in trouble.

Patience is one thing that you need to have because life has its stages. You may not find a job immediately. Know that there are a lot of opportunities out there, so don’t get frustrated or discouraged.

Talk to someone when you feel the pressure is too much; this may be a loved one or trusted friend, most preferably not the type that could take you back to your old ways. It does get better, don’t lose hope.